Big Brother 15 – Week 3 Cast Assessment: A Call to Arms

Posted: July 19, 2013 in Uncategorized
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The last time the producers weren’t in their ears.

I’m a little angry this week. Not because the person I wanted evicted stayed in the house, and not because the producers have thrown in another “twist” that is certainly in favor of their favorites (we all know making America the MVP is a way to make sure the racists will be nominated). No, I’m upset about the editing this season, which has thrown two of my favorite houseguests under the bus. Which two is it? Read this week’s cast assessment to find out. Again, this blog brings in stuff that is happening on the feeds along with the CBS show, so if you’re not a feedster, skip until next week.

And America collectively cheered.

Aaryn: Yes, I wanted her gone this week. Didn’t all of America? But hear me out for second here: you should not vote for Aaryn to be the MVP nominee this week. She’s going to be nominated anyway, so why don’t we take our time to vote for someone else who will really be shocked, and who might wake up in the game? More on that person later though. She was more personable this week, and she participated in a lot of the group activities and games, no matter how lame they were (Helen, did we really need a nail party and a rip-off of The Talk? It’s already a rip-off itself). However, she’s just finally learning how to play the game. She’s realized that her antics haven’t gotten her anyway, but we all know her true colors, and so do they. She’s still not long for this game.

So am I, Amanda. So am I.

Amanda: Here’s where I get angry. Wednesday night’s show on CBS made it seem like Amanda and McCrae were trying to bully or manipulate Rachel’s sister into doing their bidding. While they were trying to get her to nominate Howard, the argument shown on TV had nothing to do with them trying to convince her. That argument happened after McCrae told Rachel’s sister that he would pretend to be the MVP that week to protect her safety from nominating Howard. That was after Howard had come upstairs to the HOH room and McCrae threw himself in the line of fire by telling Howard he was about to be nominated, and Elissa was called to the diary room to make her nomination. This was after Elissa came back upstairs and tried to lie to Helen, Amanda and McCrae by telling them she didn’t actually get MVP. And, this is the kicker, that fight happened after Elissa told them that the producers had told her they didn’t want her to nominate Howard, so she put up Spencer instead. The whole exchange as it played out on CBS was absolutely infuriating to watch, because Amanda has actually been fairly selfless and protected the people she has alligned herself with, including Elissa. I’m fairly concerned that because Aaryn is probably about to be nominated by the new HOH, Amanda will be the next one in line if the CBS-only viewers are the main voters. So, if you’re reading this CBS-only viewers, please don’t vote to nominate Amanda. She’s entertaining on the feeds, and she’s playing the game well. I’ll continue this rant a little later.

Because it is one more room he has to make a surprise appearance in without warning.

Andy: Not much to say about Andy this week. It’s still scary how he pops into every conversation happening in the house at the exact same time. He’s fairly low on the radar for most people, so I’m sure he’s a lock for jury at this point. Not much else to say though. Hope he turns up the entertainment value soon.

Though GM still hasn’t realized having Nick’s hat doesn’t mean he hasn’t left.

Candice: She has shown immense grace under pressure this past week, and I’m still a huge fan of hers. However, she’s been very noncommittal, and she really doesn’t have an alliance in the house. I’m still placing her at around a 7th or 8th place finish, but she may prove me wrong, and I hope she does.

Speaking of noncommittal….

Rachel’s sister: See Amanda above for why I’m ticked. I would refuse to acknowledge she exists in the game at this point if it weren’t for tonight’s twist. Producers clearly love her because of her sister, but she has done nothing for this game, and she has only done what others have told her up until this point. She put David up the first week because McCrae told her to, she put up Nick last week because Candice told her to, and this week she put up Spencer because the producers told her to. And then she has the gaul to say in the diary room that she is playing her own game, and goes on to throw the two people who put themselves in jeopardy for her under the bus. So, America, let’s pull a fast one on her. Elissa probably thinks she’s a lock for the MVP vote. I hope she is. Nominating Elissa this week will let her know that she hasn’t been playing the MVP well at all, and it may eliminate the biggest nonentity of the season. This season will be so much better without her. As much as I loved watching Rachel during her seasons, her sister has been a major disappointment.

Even GinaMarie’s on my side.

GinaMarie: GM spent 99% of the week crying. It was hysterical. I kind of wish they’d bring Nick back in the game just to vote him back out and watch her break down again. She tried her best to entertain the house with Wednesday night’s talk show, but she just ended up offending Amanda, which again is hilarious. Here’s hoping she lasts until jury so we can see her reunion with Nick on the live finale and watch her head explode.

My nail party was the best thing that has happened in this house EVER!!!

Helen: Remember what I said last week about this week making or breaking Helen? It broke her. Having the HOH power totally went to her head, and she tried to center activities and strategy meetings around her wants and needs. She had a nail party where she had everyone come up to her room when all their stuff was downstairs (and probably made everyone high on the fumes while staying in that confined space), and she hosted a horribly painful to watch talk show that clearly annoyed over half the house. She’s not going to pay for it this week, but I think in a few weeks people will remember having to sit through her “Hot Topics” segment about her own nail party.

Tell that to Allison Grodner after you’re voted out.

Howard: He fell for the producer’s trap of a showmance this week by falling for Candice (everyone who saw their pre-season interviews knew these two were going to hook up eventually). If it weren’t for production, he’d probably be gone this week. I totally understand that Allison Grodner and her team need him there to show that the racists won’t win this season, but he wouldn’t have left because they’re racist, he would have left because he told way too many lies. Howard is by far the number one target in the house for the reasons I specified last week, and no one besides Spencer trusts him anymore. Unless Judd has other plans, Howard is for sure going to be nominated this week, and he might leave next Thursday if he’s not careful.

Maybe he should have gotten married?

Jeremy (evicted week 3): Jeremy played every card he had this week, and it didn’t work. The lessons all future BB players should learn from Jeremy is to not drink a whole bottle of wine by yourself, not to rub another person’s personal belongings on your butt, and that wearing a diaper to get a few votes will only get you so far. He was entertaining while he lasted at least, and it does seem like he grew up a little this last week.

Who made a showmance at the right time?

Jessie: The girl finally formed somewhat of a showmance after working the last month to find one, and she couldn’t have chosen a better person! Her “segment” during the talk show last night was funny in the same way that The Office was funny, as she called out the former members of the Moving Company in front of the whole house, and they hated her for it. That’s enough for me to like her for a little bit longer, and she’s the only person that I think will be safe this week from Judd’s nominations.

Your new HOH.

Judd: Judd may have overtaken McCrae as my favorite this past week. He’s clearly smarter than he looks, he has some of the best one-liners out of any person in the house, and he’s not afraid to insult a person to their face. That’s all I ask for in my Big Brother houseguests. Like Helen last week, a lot of his game is riding on his nominations, but I have confidence he’ll make a decision that will work for him and get out one of his biggest threats. I’m just not sure who that is at this point. It should definitely be fun to watch.

Kaitlin spends most of her days in this position.

Kaitlin: She did spend too much time crying over her Veto Sophie’s Choice this week, but at least she made the right decision and saved herself. Now that Jeremy’s out and she’s on her own, I’m interested to see how she’ll play. Her best move would be to separate herself from Aaryn, but who is she going to align herself with now, Spencer? Might last a few more weeks, but her lack of alliances and her now proven strength in the challenges will catch up to her.

Jeff passes his showmance powers to McCrae.

McCrae: Despite Producer Intervention-gate, McCrae managed to come out of this week sitting pretty. He has a secret alliance with Judd, he he managed to turn his fake-MVP fiasco into another secret alliance with Howard, Helen is on his side, and he’s figured out how to use Amanda to protect him. His week on slop seemed to drain him a bit, so he slipped in my favorite rankings.  However, he’s still one of my favorites left in the game, and I hope his horrible hack-job of an edit from CBS’s part doesn’t mess his game up this week. Anyone who’s thinking of voting for him as a nominee, just think: how great would an Amanda-McCrae final 2 proposal be? He’s in there to make good TV per his own words, so you know he’s thinking it.  McCrae, if you ever read this in the future, let me know.  I want to be friends with you.

Just a reminder to those who have forgotten.

Spencer: It’s pretty funny that he gave a shout-out to his job that he probably no longer has during his save me speech tonight. He’s now shown that he’s probably the worst challenge competitor there, especially with the physical games, and his only alliance left is with Howard, who will probably toss him if need be in the next few weeks. Here’s hoping Judd goes after him and Aaryn this week.

Who are you voting for the MVP nomination this week? Is Howard’s game about to end? And will McCrae decide to leave his job to try and support Amanda and their new family? Find out next week on Big Brother 15!

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